Bob Gillette, A Legendary Teacher

Robert H. Gillette, center, a former Fairfield resident and teacher, with First Selectman Mike Tetreau, left, who had been one of his students, and Fire Chief Richard Felner on Wednesday when Gillette discussed his new book about an unsung Holocaust hero in a presentation at the Fairfield University Bookstore. Photo: Meg Barone

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17.06 | 18:00

Hi, Yes I am still working in CT but am cutting back. Feel free to contact ...

17.06 | 14:40

Are you currently working in CT. If so I would like to use your education ...

15.06 | 20:43

Our battles were fierce but always cordial and a handshake from...

15.06 | 19:03

Yes, Colleen, I remember him as a true gentleman who led with respect...